All 3824 Daily Paintings
Since February 2005 I have painted 3824 daily paintings, that's around five daily paintings a week for over six years and I still remember quite clearly painting my first Painting A Day (a term that Duane Keiser would have, in hindsight, been wise to copyright) . You can see it here if you scroll right to the bottom—a little oyster shell with highlights scratched into the gesso. It seems a long time ago in painting terms (though not so long ago in actual time; completing a painting a day makes the time fairly race by!). The reproductions have improved greatly since the early days of the project and, as my cataloguing wasn't always of the highest order, I'm unfortunately not able to improve on some of the rather dodgy JPEGs I have here. The paintings themselves have undoubtedly improved overall—I think I'm certainly more consistent. However, I still look at some of the early paintings with a little envy for the painter who could so freely, even fearlessly, approach the subject!
I've often thought of culling the paintings down to a more manageable number, but in the end I think this truthful 'warts and all' record offers the best view of the project, even if seen through a JPG darkly.
3824 daily paintings from most recent, top left, to oldest bottom right