daily painting titled Citron de Nice

Citron de Nice

16cm x 14cm (6¼"x5½"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 20 January, 2010
Posted in Still life paintings


Stunning. Rich and deep!
If only I could paint with such feeling!
Julian, Julian, Julian.... this is divine. After that pear the other night now this! wow.
Julian, I've commented 1 other time over the last 6 months until your pear the other day. Now, I'm simply watching you paint like a master ~ Unbelievable!
You have managed to make a lemon look lucious!
Wow! The leaf in the foreground, especially, is so beautiful, crisp. The lemon is beautiful as well.
Every square inch is a delight to study!
The careful, tiny, brushstrokes that create the colour and the three- dimensional shape of the lemon are a testament to your artistry, Julian. The dry curled leaves and the dramatic black background contrast perfectly with the lemon and bring it to the foreground. Fortunate is the person who wins the auction and buys this painting.
Tremendous painting This is a personal opinion but even Manet's lemon in the Musee d'Orsay isn't as nice :-) http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.artinthepicture.com/artists/Edouard_Manet/lemon.jpeg&imgrefurl=http://www.artinthepicture.com/paintings/Edouard_Manet/The-Lemon/&usg=__TCDHqAaSfNOALcnDztMClgneRVY=&h=427&w=678&sz=59&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=L3BZtU7xDn43SM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=139&prev=/images%3Fq%3DManet%2Bpainting%2Blemon%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2ADSA_enDE342%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 What a great painting Thank you very much Jerome
Tremendous painting This is a personal opinion but even Manet's lemon in the Musee d'Orsay isn't as nice :-) What a great painting Thank you very much Jérôme
Julian: It's amazing how images are created within the paintings we do. Like clouds in the sky, we see images of animals, birds and sometimes, people. So it is with your beautiful lemon. Or as I call it Le Man. The eyes, nose and mouth are well defined on the end of the lemon. This was no mistake but a subtle suggestion of someone, possibly the artist himself. Julian. Le Man.
The lemon is so realistic, especially the shin depth.