daily painting titled Monhegan from our deck

Monhegan from our deck

18cm x 13cm (7x5"), oil on canvas board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 1 September, 2016
Posted in Marine paintings


wow Julian , this is fabulously bleak in a sort of Japanese deathly haiku vibe Sorry for the strange personal reaction , I think it is really beautiful in an unbearably poignant way ..... hope you are enjoying the US love to the other two monkeys xxxxxx S
It is wonderful you have come to this side of the pond! If you do it again, I would love to join one of your classes. France is a bit too expensive for me but since I live in the White Mountains in New Hampshire, Maine is a short trip away. Consider applying also for either a residency in the White Mountains National Forest or at the Rey Center in Waterville Valley, NH. The CEnter is named after Hans and Margaret Rey who created Curious George! I like to say he was born on their porch but he was actually created in Paris before they escaped during WWII.
This makes me strangely happy. Almost purely abstract but suggestive of what anyone who has lived near the water knows almost like "muscle memory" and a wonderful memory it is. Sunlight sparkling off water is the visual equivalent of a good Champaign.
Seems you don't have to go far to find something to paint. Plenty of that stuff around. Plus it's painted so beautifully. With tons of sparkle, and feeling. Makes me want to be near the sea. I emphasise near, rather then be on, because I suffer sea sickness. But thank you Julian for your posts. I adore your work. Love Helen x
Lovely. . Thank you for sharing
Last night at sunset the kids were looking for the great life guard stand jumper, Louis. Next year visit us during the Capriccio Festival of Kites. Louis would love it, really is a beautiful sight.