daily painting titled Self portrait

Self portrait

18cm x 13cm (approx. 7"x5"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 9 November, 2011
Posted in Portraits


what a nice change, after all that fruit........a proper fruitcake! (only joking)
i have always loved your portraits, they seem to mature so gracefully!
Ha ha! Don't worry - you'll relax after the first 20 years!
Being a Dad of a 4 year old, I can identify with the furrowed brow. Very nice work!
Best self portrait yet!
Gorgeous portrait...and Congratulations dad!
I say "Amen!!" to all the above. Truly a lovely work.
Julian, You are the best figure painter on the planet. This is so strong and beautiful. Eat you heart out Goya. Want to buy your book soon. Keep on, RT
Well, you do have a nice 'glow' about you....nice work!
Hi Julian, this portrait got a good chuckle out of me. You look a tad frazzled but you'll get used to it . . . Love that comment from Ruth!
Amazing portrait. Truly jealous that you paint so beautifully. Lola
Stunning portrait! I don't see any grey hair yet! Someone's grandmother's advice for child rearing, if you lift a calf every day eventually you can lift a cow.. You get used to any load..with all the worry there is still joy- always.
Great job, Julian! Love the utilization of the burnt umber underpainting.
fabulous self portrait, especially so small!! how do you do it? well done julian
Sort of reminds me of Chardin - I'm sure you won't mind the comparison. Amazing what you can do with such a small panel. Admirable.
It's nice to put a face with all the wonderful work. Thank you for sharing your work and comments. I've enjoyed them all.
You are a great inspiration!
I think your portrait is wonderfully strong and direct; bravo! Suzanne on St. Simons
Yep, you look just like a Dad!
So acute,so penetrating,so uncluttered portrait.And your head of hair,as with a dreamlike halo of vermilion gleams,wondrously underlines the turquoise blue translucent eye...
love it
The light on your hair has a halo effect and foregrounds your curls. You seem more relaxed; having children does put life into perspective.
Is this your "stern father" look? Great job as usual. I am really enjoying the new boldness of brushstroke -even in the most delicate pieces.
You don't do enough of them, self-portraits, that is. One may not like the way life places on the face the tendency of going south, the wrinkles, frowns, and the sags. But the character shines through and what a mug the face becomes. :) You're obviously comfortable enough in your own skin to paint your portrait. It shows in glorious command of paintstroke and color.
Yes.....there is definitely a sort of an air of dignity now that you are a father! I bet your wife is just a little more beautiful ......Fondly, Elaine Halpern
Julian: That sternness and those glasses have given you a certain look, much like a concerned teacher looking over the work of his students. Louis, take it easy on your Dad.