daily painting titled Track Through Cypresses

Track Through Cypresses

16cm x 13cm (6"x5"), oil on card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Friday 1 June, 2007
Posted in Landscape paintings


wow! great fun with the composition of these trees and the wonderful keyhole to walk through them. the bit of sky in upper left keeps you gazing upwards and the path brings you back down. love it.
i look forward to and relish each of your posts, but the wonderful blue bits of sky caught in the trees makes this a particular favorite.
The Dyads again (they sound like mythological ladies!): you go from sheer light spring, up through dark reminders of winters past, and into the blueness of impossibly blue and cheerful skies. I admire the epic journeys you take us on and through! Merci!
Cypresses! I can actually smell them
Just turned on to your site today. My heart has taken flight.