daily painting titled Nature morte aux pruneaux et faisselle

Nature morte aux pruneaux et faisselle

15cm x 13cm (6"x5"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 27 July, 2010
Posted in Still life paintings


I prefer, Julian, to keep silent in front of this poetic beauty: I feel my elegiac damned tendancy coming back hell for leather!
I am hoping, Alain, that your silence will be broken. Would love to read what comes to your poetic mind. This gorgeous picture evokes an earthy, sensual, and rustic sense of well being.
Wow. Opening up your emails does me good. Thanks for the gift you give us.
superba pictura!
Thank you Mrs Alana Jones. However while rereading my past "poetic" comments,I suddenly realized so much naivety. And yet,how many times,my son(23)for the nth time repeated to me:"but Dad,you are fifty eight years old and you-are-not Victor Hugo nor John Milton,definitely!Please be mature!Just once!" He was right.
alain,i truly feel that one does not need to be "mature" in order to be an artist or to critique art. your comments have always helped me see MORE in julians works and to see them in a differrent way. keep on writing, please and thanks. grace
Thank you Mrs Snyder. I only stop the "namby pamby poetic" side of my comments. Julian's works deserve better.
Oh les belles quetsches plus vraies que nature...Bravo l'artiste !