daily painting titled Rio della Panada, Venice

Rio della Panada, Venice

12cm x 19cm (4¼"x7¾"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 27 November, 2008
Posted in Marine paintings


Shapes nascent from a sensual impasto; Pigments, colours , brushstrokes creating the layout, the outlines; The original contour of the sky and its loudness. Dashes of blue, red, white and black conveying the tempo; elaborate improvisation full of vibrations and saturated intensity.In a nutshell, a painting... full of life.
The canals of Venice. So mysterious,and yet so inviting. Your wonderful piece has an amazing feeling of conveying a certain "wetness" that is carried through to the buildings along the canal. I remember the fisherman offering their catch of the day and the laundry out to dry. An amazing and beautiful place is Venice. Thanks for taking me back.
Great enveloping darks on the sides and bottom bringing the eye to the focal area. Beautiful dash of red color on the boat for accent. Very well done!
This painting has great clarity. You've achieved a powerful sense of reality through economical means. This is my favorite painting from your trip to Venice so far.