daily painting titled Still Life with Clementine, Pear, Blue Tin, Jar and Candle Stick

Still Life with Clementine, Pear, Blue Tin, Jar and Candle Stick

22cm x 12cm, oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 21 January, 2008
Posted in Still life paintings


Julian, You are in your stride sir! These last 3 have been particularly fabulous. I love that you have introduced some new characters into your work. Hope you are warm and toasty in the studio, listening to some great music while turning our these treasured gems. A real joy to see daily. Thanks!!!!!!
Fabuleux!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merveilleux!!!!!!!!!!! Incroyable!!!!!!!!!!!! What came, originally, in the aqua blue tin?
Joyce, your going to wear out that exclamation mark key! Not sure what would have come in it originally, I bought it at a Vide Grenier (provençal yard sale). It is the original color and speckled liberally with rust which is what really makes it, I think.
fun watching the changes
Wow, this is stunning! Julian, can you please consider making a print of this piece?