daily painting titled Quince, pear and apple

Quince, pear and apple

18cm x 13cm (7"x5"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 7 November, 2011
Posted in Still life paintings


So creamy textures of the surface...Like Chardin or Manet,you have,Julian,your own pictorial effect of the surface:sensual,smooth,rich.No matter what you paint.Innermost and deep.This texture creates a world beneath appearances.
It's amazing. Your apple is so painterly and yet so specific and real... down to that tiny bruise by the highlight.
So still but with such depth of feeling... One regards this with a deep breath and a lot of silence.
Lovingly rendered, aglow with delight to one's senses, it feels like- there they sit so close before me for the taking...