daily painting titled A Bend in the Road

A Bend in the Road

12cm x 19cm, oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 5 April, 2009
Posted in Landscape paintings


Instant reaction: The blue background like a stained glass window of a church and the blinding brightness of the road; Then the quieverings of tiny white and yellow flowers hurtling down the slope, with the arches of shadows behind and accompanying them.Feelings of buoyancy. Even Julian's signature seems to be playing hide and seek with the hospitable grass!
a difficult painting for me to look at as my first impression was that the blue background was ocean (or perhaps i just want it to be) and yet if ocean it cant slant downwards... and i do so love the wildflowers.
I am enjoying all your pictures, but I especially love the mimosa and the big one of irises in glass containers - and the landscapes, especially in autumn and spring. I can smell the clear air, and each one draws me into it - I want to BE there!