daily painting titled Apricots with blue mug

Apricots with blue mug

15cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 18 May, 2011
Posted in Still life paintings


A blue streak points to Apricots that I'd Like to eat.
Guess you didn't get your fill of cherries, huh? You've made painting that mug look effortless. Perhaps it was?
this is sooooooo beautiful. Very realistic. "warm and Fuzzy"!!! Tish.
Those apricots have a wonderful luminosity and "plumpness" contrasting perfectly with the blue mug. love it.
Each gorgeous new painting is assurance that you have things under control and must be getting some sleep. Hang in there!
A modern-looking Chardin:a bold combination between two complementary colors which strike up a peaceful conversation!