daily painting titled Pomegranites (Diptych)

Pomegranites (Diptych)

Diptych 20cm x 10cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Tuesday 25 October, 2005
Posted in Still life paintings ·


Very nice! I'm glad to see more pomegranates! I also am currently painting pomegranates. Aren't they a joy? Don't you just love their lumps and bumps and subtle colors? They truly are an inspiration. Tip: I also like painting persimmons. The little, flat ones with the sage green tops are wonderful. I don't know if you have persimmons in France, but if you do, try them! You'll like them! Great fun.
These are such beautiful pomegranates! Raw canvas is the perfect texture, exaggerating the exquisite form of the fruit. Pure delight.
These are such beautiful pomegranates! Raw canvas is the perfect texture, exaggerating the exquisite form of the fruit. Fresh and delightful painting. Will there be prints?