daily painting titled Calanque des Anthénors

Calanque des Anthénors

18cm x 14cm (7"x5½"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 4 August, 2009
Posted in Marine paintings


Wow, this is SO beautiful. Looks a bit like the coast of Northern California, where I live. Thank you for your daily beauty. -e.
Julian, this is mag-ni-fi-cent! What a tremendous contrast between these hulking rugged rocks, and this restful glistening shore. There is a striking resemblance with the seaside in north-western France, but I cannot picture you painting there (even in dreams!), struggling with wind, spray and... unexpected rain!
Splendid painting - certainly the best seascape recently, very fresh and glistening with light.
Ah, I know this coast well. I have not been for many, many years now, 26 years in fact, but you capture the haze and the rocks beautifully. Thank you