daily painting titled Apple on a knapkin

Apple on a knapkin

12cm x 14cm, oil on panel (approx 4"x5") Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 27 October, 2011
Posted in Still life paintings


Your composition I like a lot,with the space at the bottom, and the fact that the apple is tilted helps make it more interesting. I also loved the egg and knife. Unusual pairing.
Its the knapkin that does it.
I like here the unusual sense of verticality that gives vibrancy and motion to the whole picture.The apple besides could fall if it wasn't swept away,carried along by all the lines mounting outside the canvas,like an onrush viewed from above.More subtle the direction of the dark stalk which is "looking at" the upper left corner in contrast with the lines going up towards the right corner:this detail is not of little importance;it powerfully counterbances the paramount movement to the right.A lesson for me.
Such a beautiful apple - you've done it great justice!
Julian, humble apple, but you have made it a star.! beautiful colour. Tish.
This painting and others that have involved napkins, towels and fruits reminds me that I should look carefully to 'see' the beauty in everday things.