daily painting titled Hay Bales at Sault

Hay Bales at Sault

18cm x 12cm (7"x4½"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 6 July, 2010
Posted in Landscape paintings


The hay bales seem to slide down the field, streaked with golden lines! This impression of movement wonderfully contrasts with the serene and quiet background. A marvel.
My book finally arrived today. I am thrilled to have something so beautiful in my library.
This is absolutely beautiful.
Wonderful picture - I love all these gorgeous landscapes - the colours, scents of ripening wheat; wish I could be there. Thanks.
Please check the viewpoint added to yesterday's comments' list,boys & girls....I'm genuinely interested in what you all think
Well, Mr Merrow Smith, I have to avow: I am also a figurative painter but Ruth and you, you have never known it. And even by sight, you do not know me! I have never wanted to take advantage to do any advertisement for myself on your site like so many others. I admire your work and I liked to share it with the other viewers. My own way. High-flown, I agree. Thanks, Julian, for having allowed me to publish my sincere comments. You are both an artist and ...an excellent teacher!
Mr. Walton, I don't think that your addressing an audience that is clearly men and women as "boys and girls" indicates you have a genuine interest in a response. Perhaps you have a genuine interest in provoking a reaction. My own feeling? Of course, "the talent" has its weaknesses along with its strengths. I'm sure that every day Julian feels as if he's practicing. I'm sure that he, as we, prefer the results of one day's work over another day's work. When I don't care for something Julian has painted, for whatever reason, I keep my views to myself. I have no desire whatsoever to have these "comments" on the daily paintings be yet one more ugly internet forum in which people say nasty, mostly anonymous things, and endlessly debate one another. The point is that, yes, of course, art can be debated and it can also just give us joy. Most of the people who subscribe to Julian's emails take more or less joy from each painting, as we see it, and move on (or leave it up on our computer screen during the work day if we are particularly enamored of a painting). Some feel the need to gasp -- every day, periodically, or not at all -- and every once in a while someone criticizes. But mostly we just enjoy it. And sometimes we buy a piece. Now, if you don't like Julian's work, my suggestion is that you stop looking at it. If you find the comments annoying, don't read them.
Dear Mr. Walton There are books written about looking and really seeing (understanding). You might read one or really try to understand what Julian is doing. We all have days that are discouraging. Julian's paintings pop up on my screen and give me something to look at through his eyes. This is why I get pleasure from his work and the comments on the site.