daily painting titled Tomme de chevre, apples and sabatier

Tomme de chevre, apples and sabatier

18cm x 14cm (7"x5½"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 3 November, 2011
Posted in Still life paintings


I can practically taste the tang of the cheese against the velvet texture of its skin. Nice work, as always.
It's fascinating to discover that the richness of taste (oh - that cheese alongside that apple!) is so strongly conveyed by Julian's paintings as to effect a physical mouth-watering experience. So - just in case you're viewing this in the UK, or some other import-afflicted place - it's important to remember that Red Delicious apples (which they appear to be) stop tasting anything like cotton wool as they approach the Med; indeed they are as wonderfully tasty as Julian's quite delicious painting and I'm sure he would neither have bought nor painted them if it had been otherwise.
A ballet of brushstrokes quivering with emotion. This painting gives off a sense of supreme relaxation and a tension(by the dark knife) too.Everything seems to be made in a single breathing,with multiple calligraphic signs caused by frantic brushstrokes(in the foreground for instance),a little like the twirling dance of swords which don't hurt but give the viewers an utterable feeling of happiness.
You never cease to amaze. Kudos once again.....
Hi Julian, The light on the right edge of the cheese is painted so beautifuly!!! great piece.! Tish.
The amateur adds and multiplies, the professional subtracts and divides. For a painting that "reads" so easily and convey so much with such few brush strokes, takes lots and lots and lots of practice! Well done.
Wow! Can just taste it!
I really like that paintings where the Julian signs with his brushstrokes, "frantic" (Alain) or otherwise. This is particularly evident in the apple half.