daily painting titled Sabine hills from near Sant Oreste

Sabine hills from near Sant Oreste

25cm x 14cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 1 August, 2017
Posted in Landscape paintings


Hello Julian, Nice to receive and watch your work quite every day ! Could you tell me how long (roughly) do you work on each daily painting ? a French supporter !
Well done for surviving the heat Julian - a gorgeous setting and even more fun 'without' a map, you make many more discoveries that way! So lovely to see your posts, they make me wish I were also in France, I do miss our family trips to Provence! Have a good week. Annika
Wonderful warm summer light. I guess at least the heat made you paint quicker, the sooner to get into a nice cool house or hostelry!
The painting has that wonderful haze about it. One can almost feel the heat.... Very evocative.