daily painting titled Boats at Cassis

Boats at Cassis

16cm x 12cm, oil on gessoed card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Friday 11 March, 2005
Posted in Marine paintings ·


love it. must be very liberating, no? Working smaller/faster.
Yes it is - sometimes. Today was a good day. j
These babies are a fascinating departure from what you've been showing us to date.. wow! There is much more of a game with the viewer about what itis we're looking at, and then there's the paint. bravo!
oooh just want to laze in, dive off, picnic on and sail it! beautiful!!!
Julian - fantastic ...really like all of these ... and ezappy - you sound about ready to become a tutor at Edinburgh art school!!!
he is a tutor at Edinburg school of Art ;-)
I love so many of your paintings! The landscapes are my favorites but the still lifes are wonderful too. I would love to visit your country one day.