daily painting titled Wild flowers in a white vase

Wild flowers in a white vase

13cm x 20cm (approx.5"x8"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 31 May, 2012
Posted in Flower paintings


Very well done.
...surely it's just Rameau...even if it is in the Opera House. How are you ?
The posies are ethereal and wild at one and the same time. I would love to hear your wife play at Opera Garnier. Being there is like sitting in a gilded candy box. It made me feel as though I might see Degas in one of the other boxes or perhaps peeking around the backstage curtains.
A lovely firework by daylight!
WOW...and those red poppy bursts.
Beautiful. What a wife to find. Lucky you!
BRAVO to Ruth! And much appreciation for the wildflower bouquet. Thank you as always, Naomi
My sweetest moments in the country are when my husband brings in a small bouquet he has collected for me to enjoy.