daily painting titled A dish of strawberries

A dish of strawberries

18cm x 13cm (approx 7"x5"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Friday 16 March, 2012
Posted in Still life paintings


Oh glorious!!!!!!!! So fresh and vital Rich and sweet, I can just about taste them! Well done Julian; always so wonderful how you shed such lovely light on such simple subjects.
I'm totally jealous of the way those strawberries look, knowing full well that the taste must be out of this world. No matter how good they look here in the states, they have all the great taste of a red-colored piece of styrofoam.
Simply lovely. So realistic that I wanted to take a bite of the strawberries.
ooh, luscious.
How does he do it?
With a never-ending volute of Chantilly cream and a sprinkle of icing sugar...
Mmmmm, delicieux! We are coming to Provence mid April -- can we come visit your studio? Don't know if you accept visitors. If not, we will continue to savor your paintings and la Provence from afar.
Oh for some fresh cream!
O Wow! Such a beautiful rich one to celebrate my birthday with! I really like this one!
Love the strawberries, especially the chip on the ceramic bowl.
Yum! Now to have some Devonhire Cream to go with these heavenly berries!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - delicieux avec un peu de cornish clotted cream - quel reve!!!!!!!