daily painting titled Devonshire cottage

Devonshire cottage

18cm x 13cm (approx 7"x5"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 25 March, 2012
Posted in Landscape paintings


Looks like you've brought the weather with you. Nice to see you painting in England.
I like it!
A symphony of beautiful greys... and so very English! Bet Louis is having a great time.
Hooray! Devon! Lovely to see that you are painting locally.
such a beautiful work of art.
The colors definitely say, "This is not the South of France." looks like you are comfortable in either. Nice.
Aww Devon! I love the tree and the beautiful green...
Have a nice trip. It looks beautiful.
Your colors here are perfect. The sun-drenched white of the house and the warmth of its brick chimney sit so well with the surrounding soft greens and dusty browns. Perfectly charming without an ounce of sentimentality. Very inspiring.
I love this. My ancestors were from Devon, England.
Lively depth of the charming meadow,grey green and red harmonies,bashful blue window,soft light!And the sloping shadow of the tree which leads our eyes from the wide meadow to the thin top of the pink-red chimney stack enthroned on the landscape! A refreshing picture.
hmmmm devon - clotted cream and rolling hills - absolutely love this painting - louis must be having a whale of a time p.s. my son (born in france) is called louis too.....
Beautiful. Lovely springtime. In Devonshire, I remember sound of the birds, besides the green fields. I think fish and chips sounds like the perfect food! I still crave them.