daily painting titled First Strawberries

First Strawberries

13cm x 12cm, oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Friday 21 March, 2008
Posted in Still life paintings


Diable que c'est bon une peinture si concrète, toute en chair, pétrie d'âme, nourrie d'émotion et d'humilité! et l'effet est d'autant plus surprenant qu'on le découvre sur ce support complètement désincarné qu'est l'ordinateur! Merci de faire partager votre goût, votre amour de la vie, dans ses moindres manifestations.
Taste of spring - plump cadmium and cobalt (?) green; London markets have lots of unripe strawberries just now - fit only to be doused in red wine/balsamic vinegar/ honey then well cooked.
Julian, These are just beautiful. I wanted to let you know "Lemon" arrived and it is more wonderful than I hoped. The color was very close to my screen image. We must have similar settings. The brushwork is very inspiring, hope to get a Provence landscape in the future. Best regards, Stephen