daily painting titled Onion, bottle and garlic

Onion, bottle and garlic

15cm x 20cm, oil on panel (approx 6"x8") Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 5 September, 2011
Posted in Still life paintings


Am laughing at your little input comment! r.
Me too.
Wow, Julian. The last batch of paintings has been incredibly stellar! O really can't wait to open each email to see what new delight is in store. I'm in awe.
(That should, obviously, be an "I" instead of an "O" :-)
Hi Julian, I must tell you that I really look forward to opening your emails each day. I am heavily into art here in South Australia and have forwarded your website to others so they too can be impressed with the necessity to paint every day if they want to improve their work. Although I am a pastel, watercolour or silk painter the same principals of "practice, practice, practice" each day is relevant. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Glenda
Julian: I used the enlarging device and thre you were, in the bottle. Or at least reflected in it. Why was the background so light? I love the dark backgrounds that become one with the subject.
Commonplaces. I like the mysterious shadow of the bottle on the wall,that leads me to this ingenuous question:what is real here?The bottle only or also its shadow cast on the wall?We can of course answer neither of them,because it is only painting,and yet,they are,by the will of a man,and what's more,they are,thanks to the pigments,pastes,tracks we can touch...Vertiginous feeling,that reminds me of the same questioning about "Las Meninas" into which we can perceive the virtual royal couple reflected in a mirror close to a"true,real" noble,standing up proudly in the light of an open door,both in the background of the painting...But...