A daring angle of framing conveys the emotional lively sense to the painting.The white lotus in the upper right corner,which plays a subtle initiator of hidden lines,is crucial to the composition.
Have enjoyed your extended vacation postcards beaucoup, but have missed your Provence ones so much that I ordered your book and spent yesterday afternoon perusing it while plopped on my sofa. Are you and Ruth going chez vous soon?
The lotus pond is beautiful !
I have really enjoyed all the sea paintings too . Looks like you have both had a lovely holiday , have a good journey back to France . x
Better than Monet......Vital, magical, and I am envious of your seeing that outside of your "4-star hut". Thank you for the pleasures you have brought to us daily.
Oh how I wish I could bid on this lovely painting! I am particularly fond of the grey leaf in the left foreground, with the subtle green center. Such a vivid play of shape and light in this painting. I can almost hear the splash of a frog nearby
What a delightful painting this is; we have Alain to thank for his comments on the structure. The surface led me to wonder what lies beneath. I can imagine all kind of creatures moving about under the pads or coming up and sitting on top. Thanks Julian for this magical image.