daily painting titled Lemon and cup

Lemon and cup

18cm x 13cm (7"x5"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Friday 17 December, 2010
Posted in Still life paintings


Beautifully juicy painting. I especially like the creamy colors on the cup and the way they cool down as they disappear into the dark background. Merry Christmas from California!
I love seeing the brush strokes... you continue to be an inspiration. This little baby sparkles. Merry Christmas from NY!
Your work seems looser - more Frans Halls than it was before your sojourn to Venice. I like it.
Thanks for posting your paintings every day. I try and paint every day, and your work often gets me out of the computer chair and into the studio! Merry Christmas, and thank you. Penny
A lemon with a twist!
Wonderful picture. The bold brushstrokes on the cup really serve to hold that lemon in place.
Julian,this work shows the hidden bull-headed "bloodstream" of a painting,thanks to the brushstrokes you are able to create;consciously and/or unconsciously.It's a marvel of cleverness and heightened pictorial sensibilty.The Yin and the Yang,wrap-around,are everywhere!
Such lush fluidity, brilliance once again.
You grabbed me with the topograpy of the lemon. I can't look away.
I love the lovely lumpy-ness of the lemon