daily painting titled Lemons


18cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 3 February, 2014
Posted in Still life paintings


Very nice! I am to paint meyer lemons this week. ;)
Hi Julian- You're so funny that you always comment on your "subject" along with these posts! After all there's not so much to say about two lemons. The real subject as I see it is the paint. Which you handle so gorgeously. A few lines about your experience with the paint (or choice of composition, or experience with a new color, etc.) on any given day would perhaps be more interesting for you and for your readers. Lovely work- Nora
Oh, really tangy. Love it. Where is our emoting, poetic commenter? I miss a lovely laugh.
It seems to me that you are really into texture and color lately - and you are also trying new viewpoints. This is a really nice painting with a good feel to it.
Dear Julian, a little Derring-do piece, two worlds of yellow,relieved by a brushstroke of blue on the pottery. The impasto works well here, adding a bold, sculpted mood to the painting. Anna.
Well I for one love reading your comments about your subjects and how they are collected. Ruth does a wonderful job.
I do love your personal comments. That is what is comfortable and unique about you - you make us feel almost like friends, Julian. You are more than brushstrokes and technique. Stay authentic.
Ditto,Evelyn Mahrt and Jennifer b. Anna
I like the perspective from a higher view point. Almost like the lemons are on an intimate stage and we're looking at them from the upper balcony.