daily painting titled Morning near Aubignan

Morning near Aubignan

19cm x 10cm (7"x4"), oil on card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 19 March, 2007
Posted in Landscape paintings


A lovely little mauve and pistachio haiku.
Love the sun's first light touching the landscape. The contrast of complementary light orange against darker purples is satisfying.
One of my best French friends told her in class one day: "Je deteste la grammaire -- GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE!!!!!!" Well, I'll say: "J'dore cette peinture: GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE!!!!" Could you tell us what time of day, more or less, it was painted?
Sorry about the poor phrasing and the typo. It should have been "j'adore"!!! And my friend, by the way, taught at Vincennes, in psycholinguistics, and it was a recalcitrant student who made the statement to her. We've adopted "GRAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE" in our family whenever we want to emphasize something. Eh bien, oui, J'ADORE CETTE PEINTURE, GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE!"
Good, very good morning !
I like your landscapes! They are truely little postcards of place, and your color choices arevery telling.
excellent and adept touch with the light. props.
The sunlight and shadows are beautifully done. Love the purple haze...