Very clever to put the clementine behind the jar. Observing how you render a simple glass jar makes one think of glass in a whole new way. Thanks for that and another lovely warming painting.
Each day, I await your offering!! How delightful to be able to be able to view your paintings right here in my library in Florida! Thank you, Julian.
There are many remarkable elements to this painting, the most striking being the glass jar and it's relationship with the clementine behind it. With just a few strokes of white paint you have again shown yourself to be a genius Julian. I also love the chipped edge of the board, it works so well as an intergral part of the composition it appears almost incedental yet is a crucial part.
An adorable painting.
A tender hymn to a young couple,lemon and jar,together dancing to a cheek to sweet.Regarding the clementines, unfortunately,they are sitting on the side lines in the shadowy light!