daily painting titled October roses

October roses

14cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 15 October, 2017
Posted in Flower paintings


Your cake sounds lovely. Would love the recipe. Have a marvelous day painting! Thea (Te'a Rose)⚘
Your roses are lovely! How about a picture of the cake too?
A long day you say but very productive. Beautiful painting!
You are Super Dad! A cake and this beautiful painting all in one day.
Really beautiful Julian
You very often start my day in a beautiful way! Thanks O.
Just want to let you know how much i enjoy seeing each new painting in my emails, Julian, thank you!
Would love to have seen your cake. Julian, when I was a little girl a fighter jet in training landed in my grandfather's cotton field( in Georgia USA)and slid under a tenant house. People came on horseback and by wagon from miles around. I suspect your fighter jet cake caused almost as much excitement!