daily painting titled Roscoff onions

Roscoff onions

20cm x 15cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 30 January, 2019
Posted in Still life paintings


What beautiful onions, the bloom on the skins is exceptional. A marvellous painting Julian.
Julian, The onions are exquisite!!!! Jessie
Usually it is your lemons I go crazy for...but now with these papery onions! Delightful Julian
These are onions for gods and goddesses. Magnificent.
Perfection, this is beautiful !
Wonderful—-I can feel their slick shiny paper-thin skins! Love the colors. It’s so great to have you posting again....I’m glad everyone is better.
Oh Julian, this is truly a show stopper!! Just exquisite!
Wonderful—-I can feel their slick shiny paper-thin skins! Love the colors. It’s so great to have you posting again....I’m glad everyone is better.
This is every card about PAINTING. That is what painting.is really about. That is what makers me happy.