daily painting titled Self portrait

Self portrait

22cm x 26cm, oil on linen on panel Painting status: Work in progress
Daily painting for Sunday 22 January, 2017
Posted in Portraits
Tags: wip


Thank you for that. I always look forward to your self-portraits.
Perfect as it is warts and all! That is why I have not tiried a self portrait yet! Joking aside it is fantastic.
You portrait, like all of your still life paintings, is inspirational, wonderfully executed. I always look forward to seeing your daily paintings!
a veritable salad of brushstrokes ... mmmmmm good.
Thank you very much for the great self portrait. I have always enjoyed your work and it is a pleasure to see the man behind it all. Best to you
Love your work!!! Thank you for your inspiration. You seem to have captured a slight frown here. I hope it's just an intense gaze as you were studying your reflection. Great capture!
Hi Julian, This looks very much like the man I buy goats milk from in Vermont, USA. I sent it to him, and he asked if it's for sale. Thanks, Joyce
In Peters lesson again! Love your work ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
haha thanks! now concentrate on the lesson!
I went to your last two exhibitions in London. Mr. Rembrandt!
Hi Julian excellent work, very interesting background you worked up! Would recognize you on the street or in a line up! Don't get into trouble! Craig
Hi there, Julian, The 'fruit' notecards I ordered from you arrived today, they are GORGEOUS..!! Love them..!! and.. how much I enjoy seeing the posts of your paintings..!!
Really nice!