daily painting titled Clouds, Moon and Snow

Clouds, Moon and Snow

22cm x 14cm (9"x5"), oil on card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 4 March, 2007
Posted in Landscape paintings


There may be snow on the ground, but Spring is coming.
Love the subtle moon!
Beautiful...masterful...inspiring and wow!!
Beautiful, and different from your other subjects. I love it!
Saturday's lunar eclipse?!
I Think Denise you could tell if I was telling a mis-truth, the painting is the day before, I have lost track now but either thursday or Friday evening. The moon is still waxing me-thinks. It was a quick sketch at the end of the day when the light from the studio is so often amazing, if one cares to look up from the fruit or whatever.
March 5 Julian, just saw your "Moon, clouds, snow" painting - you certainly paint clouds in a magical way. Pure mastery@ Brenda
Clouds are interesting subjects. I remember being on a bus trip and I kept looking out of the window most of the way home. It was a beautiful cloud-filled day....all kinds of shapes and sizes. A friend asked me what I kept looking at. "The sky" I said. "I'm actually working, believe it or not." I was...I was studying them closely. She looked at me and sardonically asked, "What do you work for the state?"