daily painting titled San Giorgio from Arsenale

San Giorgio from Arsenale

18cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 30 October, 2016
Posted in Paintings of Venice


It's very pretty! I like the misty effect you created and know only too well the difference in those blues!! I like it very much.
Your choices turned into the scene I've watched many times. It's lovely in the way only Venice is lovely. It's fairy land with water. You have a real feel for the place. It shows the way your scenes at home in Provence show genuine love.
You ..and cerulean..have totally captured the magic of Venice at dusk.Thank you! Fairy land with water it utterly is :)
Love your paintings and also love your comments about painting. I agree with others that the cerulean did make the painting. I too love ultramarine more than the other blues, but cerulean was the best here.