daily painting titled Track near Flassan

Track near Flassan

25cm x 12cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 25 March, 2013
Posted in Landscape paintings


This is gorgeous!
Beautiful atmosphere of the last days of winter exiting.
So beautiful! We are all longing for some LIGHT in our day here!
Manichaeism is, always, everywhere in our human world. Here, the impressive black shadow struggles against the vaporous and diffuse light of an elegiac landscape : brutal strength of the black foliage against the ethereal tree close to the house: terrifying fight! The fragile tree seems to shout: "But why?" The five cypresses like monks pray in silence on behalf of brotherhood. Hell against Heaven: the same story since immemorial times... So specifically human.
Your painting is a gorgeous atmospheric landscape and a wonderful abstract. And as both, it evokes a sense of rebirth and renewal... a creche indeed!
just moved to France, and through all the turmoil I can FEEL this painting, the early warmth of spring, delicate and beautiful. Joy,
Lovely picture...Creche days very important..
thank God for the "creche" day...sanity saving sometimes...this study certainly looks like you had a good time...
Hi Julian, it is amazing how you bring so much atmosphere to a small space, Kudos to you, Tish.
Dear Julian, an atmosphere of duality, yes, deep dark shadows and a rosy, ethereal mist. The romantic landscape is breathlessly waiting for a sign, waiting to be animated. Anna.