daily painting titled Wild Narcissii

Wild Narcissii

15cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 22 March, 2020
Posted in Flower paintings


Another home run Julian. As a painter myself, I really appreciate the freshness and accuracy with which you describe your subject.
Lovely Narissii! Glad to know you are taking walks & safe. We are hunkered down in Berkeley, Ca. Hoping to get to one of your workshops one day.
So beautiful. What a delight.
We wait for your paintings. They keep us going in NYC. Spring will not be here for a month! And we are confined!
Irrepressible spring!
We are hunkered down in Worthing UK, and even in these uncertain times, spring is coming. Thank you-they are beautiful.
Julian, happy to hear your being safe, the painting is wonderful perfect for spring! Stay well
Like you we are "social distancing" and lucky to live in the countryside. Victoria, Australia.
Your paintings are " a breath of fresh air" in these uncertain times. I am self-isolated in Nova Scotia, Canada and hoping to do a little more painting in the coming days. Stay safe and well. Ellen
I like the cloudy glass! It's lovely how your scattered but isolated clients can communicate with each other through your paintings.
Lovely reminder that Spring is arriving there! After Drought, Bushfires and floods we thought we could relax.... bunkered down now in countryside outside Sydney Australia. Your paintings are a relief!!! Best wishes to All...
Julian,I love how you apply the globs of oil paint, white,etc. In just the right places. Can you please tell me how long the average painting takes to dry before it is packed and posted? I love this painting! Kind regards, Graham Lomas