daily painting titled Cabanon and cypress

Cabanon and cypress

14cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 16 January, 2012
Posted in Landscape paintings


We can feel and breathe the cool breeze intermittently blowing through this peaceful sunny day.And the small touch of color in the foliage hypnotizes like a blue eye.
I so admire your ability to capture winter light. This could be no other season.
C'est beau, j'aimerais y être ! Merci, Alain, de nous aiguiser le regard par vos commentaires toujours excellents. (Je regrette seulement que mon lointain anglais de lycée m'empêche parfois d'en saisir toutes les finesses...)
The 'volume' you captured in the Cypress is fantastic, the perspective is brilliant also. Thank you .
You are so skilled at painting.I tend to like your outdoor paintings a lot. It's my personal preference. When you do these works , I get a feeling for the sense of place. There was one of a building with a shadow,that was very cool. A simple view, a straight on view. Keep em' coming. Paint ON!!!!!!
Merci AH. But I need of French-English dictionaries everyday in order to avoid big mistakes,gross errors and misinterpretations.And even then! Four sites are indispensable for me www.linguee.fr/français-anglais/search http://fr.bab.la/ www.wordreference.com/enfr/ http:/dictionnaire.reverso.net/ About the painting,have you observed that the big dark diagonal of the foliage is superimposed to the diagonal of the first hill (and virtually to the invisible half of the roof) and echo the yellow diagonal of the foreground in order to subtly unify the different levels of space? Art process is so mysterious.