daily painting titled Midnight onion

Midnight onion

16cm x 14cm (7"x6"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 31 October, 2010
Posted in Still life paintings


Ruth should keep you awake more often, it is lovely!
Well, "Midnight Onion" does sound better than "Four O'clock in the Morning Onion Because I Couldn't Sleep" .... doesn't it? Your ability to create fine textural detail is more than remarkable. I enjoy painting still life, but I suspect that I still have a great deal to learn. Thanks you for yet another beautiful piece of work. All the best. Bob
oh, i thought it was a hallowe'en onion. hope the cough gets better soon...but yr nightime painting is inspiring...thnx. gfs
How do you do that! Do you have magic brushes, or what? Absolutely wonderful. Joanne
Julian, This "Midnight Onion" is absolutely stunning! Would you tell me please, what the red is that you are using on your palette for this lovely onion? Anita
Boy, you do great onions! Cooling off that background a bit really pops the rich color in the onion. nice job. I'm savoring your book a few pages at a time. Thanks for the extra effort you put into it. Bill M.
Mr. Midnight has some really beautiful brushwork that appears effortless. Each time I think you couldn't paint a more beautiful quintessential onion, you do.
Who would have thought a solitary onion could be so beautiful.
awe inspiring, as usual.
Wow! A really great little painting. People ask, "what colours do you use, what type of brushes?" - but that's largely irrelevant. Technique is never as important as understanding and this bloke understands!
I love your onions! I really like the "midnight"aspects of this one. I do so enjoy my subscription to your site. Thanks, Sonya
This one is good Julian. It's not overworked, and is just right. It's nice and painterly too. I did one called 'Red Onion' which was spookily similar a short while back - take a look: http://richardbarrypaintings.blogspot.com/2010/09/oil-on-board-8-x-10-framed-195.html It's a tricky business isn't it, knowing when to stop, and, more importantly, knowing what to leave out. Like all of us painters I get it 'right' at times, and 'wrong' just as often. Well done.
simply marvelous!
What a wonderful four-o-clock blue!
Perfect onion! Tight, slightly knotted and tired. Represents just how I feel on a night disturbed by my perfect half. Hope Ruth feels well soon.
Brittle, crunchy skin. Yummy blue...you are The Onion Man!