daily painting titled Canale di Canareggio, Tres Archi

Canale di Canareggio, Tres Archi

20cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 29 October, 2014
Posted in Marine paintings


Would you please come home from Venice - you were there last year. Not fair! (And I do like the painting, but will you paint Louis's new Timberlands next - well, maybe when you get home) I know a tour you should take, but I'm not going to tell everyone. Susan Montreal, Canada
By golly I'd send you Venice every day for pictures like these. Glad the family is enjoying while you work your fingers to the bone.
Lovely painting! Water looking a bit choppy today!
Simply wonderful, Julian. You are a masterpiece!
An "ing" painting. I seem to hear thanks to the fragmented wiggling highlights of the canal the unrelenting sounds of the town swarming with people! And the blue boat is a tempting invitation to wander around: all I need is...spanning the water! Singing painting!