daily painting titled Apples


20cm x 12.5cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 11 March, 2013
Posted in Still life paintings


I like your apples way more than mine! But, hey looks like I'll be snowed in tomorrow - so no Picasso at the Courtauld for me - back to my studio and my apple, now inspired by seeing yours.
Very colorful!
Dear Julian, the "Paris suite"" was very interesting, in your own characteristic style, sketchy and loose, yet not missing vital clues. Looking at the "Barges on the Seine", you could almost hear the greyish green water slapping at the hulls. Then at home, with a glass of wine etc. and the familiar blue background. Mondays apples are like punctuation marks until another great idea comes along, which is often! All lovely, your output is phenomenal!I guess it comes with 15 years of honing the painting skills and being a painter who seems totally in control of his vision. I hope you know how much real joy you are spreading! Anna.
So well said, Anna.