daily painting titled Nasturtiums in a Jar

Nasturtiums in a Jar

13cm x 16cm (5"x6"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 1 November, 2009
Posted in Flower paintings


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, golly gee!!!!!!!!!!!These are spectacular. What a smashing dash of color -- and joy! What a visual gift, Julian, and I am most grateful for it.
Stunning!!! What a powerful punch of "Fellini" red. A real masterpiece.
BRAVO! Words do not work here, pure joy for your eyes, thanks
The lush flowers that your brushstrokes create are red with touches of yellow. I love the paintings in which I see traces of the painter. Since I love the charm of nasturtiums, red and yellow and flowers in glass jars, this painting is a winner. Thanks Julian.
mmm good enough to eat!
toeat? I did a search and come with some nice info about nasturtium: gardening and eating ! http://www.gardenfairy.com/garden/nasturtium.htm good work julian
This is the style of painting I ever wanted to paint (but never will). Great little masterpiece.
Yes John you caneat nasturtiums fi you can ge the ants off.
Yes John you can eat nasturtiums if you can ge the ants off.