daily painting titled Apples


16cm x12,5cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

This painting is available as a limited edition print
Daily painting for Monday 27 March, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


How is it possible to buy a painting as they always seem to be sold whenever I click on to try to purchase something? Thanks. Larry Kaplan, New York
It's not possible to buy these $100 paintings, period. It's a waste of time to even try. Last week I was online when one went on sale and I got in and got it and actually paid for it with my credit card too. I was psyched and told my wife I got that for her aws a gift. Then 10 minutes later I got an email from Julian saying he has sold it to someone else!!! Thanks Julian!
Farro, very disappointing obviously. But you should blame the payment software, rather than the artist.
I like the dark shadows of the apples in contrast with the highlights--one of the apples looks almost bruised, doesn't it? I really enjoy the paintings--it's always interesting to see the textures and play of light. I'm amazed at your ability to capture these little gems of beauty day after day. Please don't be discouraged --either you, Julian, or you, fellow recipients of the emails--by thr fact that they are so much in demand. After all, is it so important to possess them?
Okay a lttle moment to answer your comment Farro having just sent off the emails to today's rather more phlegmatic unsuccessfuls, in the minute or two that the painting is available as many as thirty people get through the credit card process, only one can be successful but as twenty five people could tell you today, it really is for sale and as one very pleased guy can tell you it is possible to go through this process five times and be unsuccessful only to be sixth time lucky. There have been 30 paintings posted this month and they have gone to at least 28 different people on a mailing list that is now approaching 2000 - one painting a day two thousand people ... work it out. exasperatedly, Julian
so beautiful!
Julian, So today you made one person happy and 25 others very unhappy multiplied by 365... Work it out.
Yeah well I am obviously hugely adding to the general unhappiness of the world.. work it out, j
Farro in California -- you should chill, dude. I, too, have broken the first payment level several times. At that time the bank's notice to you says it ain't over yet -- you must obtain confirmation from the seller. It must be really disconcerting to think you have purchased the painting when you have not, but the fault is not with the artist. And if it is so disconcerting for you, maybe you should take a break in your purchase attempts and just enjoy viewing the art as, apparently, 1999 people or more do every day. That, after all, must be what took you to the website in the first instance? Anyway, I don't see how calling the artist names and posting unfounded misunderstandings could possibly assist you in this matter. Nor, frankly, is it much of a joy for others to read. So, as I said before, chill dude.
Farro, bite your tongue! As I see it you can either buy a print or spring for one of the more expensive paintings available on Julian's other site. On the plus side, Julian's work keeps improving (check the archived paintings and see if you agree). It's possible you will someday smile at the thought you didn't shell out a hundred bucks for an earlier, less accomplished work (no offense, Julian!) I suggest you think of this site as a challenge, like a difficult game, and not take it so seriously. And don't count your chickens...
With all my ranting a minute ago, I forgot to mention: Julian, this is one of your best apple paintings yet. I think it is even more complex and brooding than the one I bought on the first day of this month and I LOVE it!!
These paintings are a joy each morning, and personally I'm glad there isn't some more elaborate payment system or bidding mechanism that forces Julian to spend more time on eBay than contemplating lemons, apples, and landscapes. Art may be sold, but it's nice to not think of it as a commodity, in the way you would a bike or actual lemons. Julian, you might be making 10 or even 100 people grumble every day, but that means you're making at least 1,900 people delighted. Now, that's how you do math!
wow. I love this site! the feisty repartee is a wonderful change from run-of-the-mill art criticism. Julian - keep up the great work! And don't let a few bad apples dissuade you from painting some great apples....
Julian, My husband and I were just commenting on how all these e-mails you are receiving truly represent a cross-section of our world. You will never make everybody happy. And some people never are no matter what. Keep painting and make yourself happy....then we will be too. The apples today are stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Farro, I have been very lucky to have been able to buy 3 of Julian's paintings. When I had confirmation that I was in fact the new owner of them, I felt that they were meant for me. I'm with Gary, Chill Dude.
Are prints available for some of your earlier work (strawberries in March,pomegranites in October and persimmons in December)? Not able to make the cut on the paintings in time but do appreciate your paintings and look forward to the daily lift I experience from seeing them.Would much prefer an original but choose to be pragmatic.
Julian, I received the painting, " Green Apple," to day." It looks even better than on the screen. Thank you very much! Please, do`nt get too stressed out over this. You are providing lots of pleasure and excitement for a lot of people everyday!
Farro - quit complaining already. You're dragging down the whole tone of the enterprise. Get over the idea that because you want something you get to have it. And why do you want one? Sure doesn't seem like it's because of a respect or love of the work.
My sister and I talk everyday when the e-mail arrives to exclaim over the day's painting. Truly, it is a joyful moment in the day when we get to see what you have been up to, Julian!
I admire your work Julian, especially the landscapes. And your ingenious way of ensuring yourself an income to be able to do what you really want to do is inspiring. I am not an artist, but I would love to have the time to be more creative. I work in an office and have a long commute in order to provide for my family. Looking at your postcards every day reminds me to keep things in perspective. I too felt a little disappointment on realizing that I may not be able to buy one of your works due to the demand for them, but knowing you are able to keep painting gives me pleasure. I enjoy receiving the emails. Thank you, Laurie
Julian, I love what you are doing. There is something so profound about making and little painting each day. It is a kind of meditation. I teach art and my students must keep a sketchbook of small paintings from life. They get stuck on what to paint which always flabbergasts me. I tell them to take something ordinary and make it beautiful or out of the ordinary. I refer your work to them as inspiration. I thank you. Linda