daily painting titled Peach with blue/green background

Peach with blue/green background

20cm x 14cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Saturday 1 July, 2017
Posted in Still life paintings


Julian - you are simply adorable. I love all your notes. So first, good luck tonite with the kids. Secondly, I'm relatively new to your web site and I am enthralled with your work. You are an extraordinary artist. I found you by just surfing the web. Isn't the Internet great? I paint but I'm just an amateur. You have inspired me so. If I only had an iota of your talent, I'd be happy. I love everything that you do but especially your fruits and veggies. Two of my favorites are the blue pot and the aubergines in the Tuscan yellow bowl. I signed up for a two-day work shop with Duane Keiser in late July in Greenport, Long Island, NY, at the South Street Gallery. Maybe one day you'll come to Greenport and do a work shop. I'd love to just meet you in person. Thank you for sharing your life and your wonderful art with us. You inspire me to be a better painter. Sincerely, BarbraL, Orient, New York
A beautiful peach .....hope no one ate it.....but imagine the boys will enjoy them fast. Enjoy having boys night...
I did a workshop last year in Greenport, Duane came up to see me and we did a local NPR radio interview together, perhaps I'll do it again!
Bonne chance
Oh wow you are on fire lately Julian! Love that subtle highlight on the peach from the natural light. It would be much stronger were this an apple, but I can clearly see the fuzz! Well done again.
Ah, peach season.... And you paint them so beautifully. How I would love to meet Louis. What a lucky child. And what lucky parents! If you didn't get a lot of sleep, am sure you made up for it the next day. By the way, what ever happened to the aqua-blue tin box that we loved so well?
Looks like the peach I just bit int over the kitchen sink-----sweet sweet sweet!
I love the simplicity of this painting.