daily painting titled Mountain Water

Mountain Water

14cm x 15cm (4½"x5"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 9 September, 2009
Posted in Landscape paintings


Sunny sparklings or gold nuggets in the depths...I'm wavering between... The haughty mighty rocks warn me against my sudden emerging cupidity: "Don't touch Alain (take this! They know my name!), otherwise you will be transformed like us into rock !" Too bad, I try...
Reminds me of the old cowboy song with the refrain of: Cool, clear, water (water).....
Oh yes, that is what I see: "Cool, clear, water...."
(After a beauty sleep) What amazes me with this one is how technically Julian catches the eye. First, a wide triangle of reflections leading to the narrow space between the two large rocks, then to the rock short-circuiting the visual "passage", forcing us to imagine what happens next: maybe a hidden little cascade on the right, leading finally to the main river, indigo-blue, full of life, parallel to the upper side of the painting, and seeming wedged between the rows of rocks. The whole painting is like an entity full of vibrancies and moves. Listen to the lasting breath...
I like this very much. It does look cold and deep. You do that so well.
lots of brushstrokes equal rushing water--simple, right? Only for the master. just a lovely little gem.
Wonderful colors!
eric, spot on. it exactly the energy in the strokes that mirror the energy in the water. (i was there, i know!) xx
I love Alain's explanation of the technical aspects of this breath-catching piece, and I wonder, was it consciously planned that way, or does the subconscious of an artist blend this technical path within his or her brushstrokes?
Ruth, your comments go marvelously well with the thoughts on mirrors and reflections in The Book! What a great combination, you two!
A Canadian artist noted that, out of the blue artists (and amateurs), start doing similar things. Recently I crossed the St Lawrence River (Ontario, Quebec) and took a photograph of the rocks in the river near the shoreline. It turned out better than I thought it would. I returned from my CT vacation to see this painting that links us in some mysterious way. I also painted a door yellow this year and thought I was quite original until I saw that cetain farmers in upstate NY had done the same thing to their barns. One of the things I like about your paintings and the comments on them is the link it provides world-wide. I hope that you have had a very restful holiday. Thanks for your commitment to this project, the Paris paintings, the recent figs and this one. Finally, I like seeing the paintings of yourself and look forward to seeing a phtograph in the book. Enjoy your new studio. BM