daily painting titled Lavender fields at Bonnieux

Lavender fields at Bonnieux

20cm x 12.5cm (8"x5"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 30 June, 2013
Posted in Landscape paintings


Why is this painting so enchanting, so bewitching? For the first time, I cannot answer. Am I weary or lazy tonight? I don't think so. In any way, I do not want to search an explanation of this picture. After all, what's the point? As with the best paintings of the Masters, I just have to look and...dream with a smile.
So many things to learn (and imitate) with this painting: like the narrow value range that makes the sweep of lavender luminous and those marvelous delicate marks that become grasses blowing in the wind.
Dear Julian, there is such an artless loveliness and charm in this painting. There is a very sweet spot by the thicket of trees, by the cypress, as the greens meet the lavenders. A calm stillness prevails, even the name of the ancient village Bonnieux, seems somehow soothing. Even though, on closer inspection, it has had a rather bloody early history, because of its location. But I don't want to dwell on history, instead I want to loose myself in the dreamy golds, rose ochres, greens and lavandes, that looks bathed in an otherworldly light. Anna.
I love your paintings and find your postcards an inspiration. I have committed to painting daily from tomorrow using my previously underused thumb box. My first attempts suggest have a way to go - but if I can anywhere near the effortless appearance of your small paintings I will be happy.
Dear Julian, What a way to end the month of June. Nothing like gazing at a large expanse of flowers of any kind but lavender brings the wonderful aroma that many love. Even if you are not taking in the scent your mind captures it along with the art. Whether you paint on a large canvas or as small as your postcards. The message is clear, such a beautiful restful painting.
Lovely, lovely.
Love this one Julian. Particularly thew warmth of the palette.
I was just in Bonnieux two weeks ago! So charming!