daily painting titled Route des Tournillayres

Route des Tournillayres

20cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 12 June, 2014
Posted in Landscape paintings


My wife my son and I we were coming down the road on foot. What a great day! My son liked to walk on the line sharing the shadows from the lights, while we were going down the slope. - Papa, is that the sea far away? - No Nicolas, you see the hills. They are in blue because they are in the distance: this is an impressionistic feature I have shown you in Monet or Sysley paintings. Do you remember? - Yes I do, he said smiling." A great day, no sounds, apart from the chirprings of the crickets, hidden in the dry grass...
Another masterpiece!
Lovely play of light and colour ... beautiful marks. Another cracker!