daily painting titled Lemon with blue background

Lemon with blue background

20cm x 12cm, oil on masonite Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 14 November, 2010
Posted in Still life paintings


What a surreal light!The lemon shines as into a non-atmospheric space: all the outlines are sharp.This painting is pure imagination. Almost entirely an abstraction.A pure invention.
Hi there.. VERY nice painting but I think the background is too bright for it. The lemon is perfect but the background makes you look mostly at that. I still enjoy it..but my two cents. Thanks Ellie
So high key for a Merrow-Smith still life. And the color combination is contemporary Vermeer!
Absolute perfection! Lemon in spirit and reality...I am agog!
The color and clarity remind me of a Magritte. I think it's happy. :)