daily painting titled Jonquils


15cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 21 March, 2023
Posted in Still life paintings


I love receiving your emails. One day I will buy a one of your sublime works at Auction!
I so much wish I'd been there with you for the workshop. Hopefully, some day soon.
So glad you are back, your images feel me with zest and joy.
Welcome back, Julian! You were much missed. Warm wishes, Heidi
Just really glad you are back. The jonquils are superb.
Those Daffs are amazing. When mine sit in a warm kitchen for a couple Of days they look like that. I’ve never seen them painted like that. Brilliant !!!
You've been missed, Julian. Your beautifully-painted daffodils are a perfect harbinger of Spring. (My name means "narcissus" in Farsi so these flowers have special meaning for me).
It’s nice to see your work again after this cold winter. Hope the kitchen looks as nice as your paintings.
It’s nice to see your work again after this cold winter. Hope the kitchen looks as nice as your paintings.
Beautiful! So glad you are posting your work again.
Glad to be back!

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