daily painting titled Still Life with egg, cup, flour sifter and confit pot

Still Life with egg, cup, flour sifter and confit pot

33cm x 24cm, (approx 13"x9¾"), oil on stretched linen Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 2 March, 2010
Posted in Still life paintings
Tags: sl


What I really like about this painting is its crispness--the hard lines of the containers, particularly the glass. The lines are really in wonderful contrast with the softness of the materials--the copper pot, the ceramic bowl and the glass. It's really a wonderful study in the variety of texture and glow of what are all smooth, hard materials. Those qualities especially caught my attention because you do so well in creating the ephemeral nature of water, sky and atmosphere. Very nice!
Julian, it is nice to see you slow down a bit. Your sensitivity to the nuances of light and surfaces is fantastic and seeing your more subtle brushwork is refreshing. I love your small work too. This is a beautiful and welcome change of pace.
I really like the contrast between the very glossy objects and the subtle matte quality of the egg. My eye is drawn to the lovely little egg!
perfect painting!
It is wonderful to look at the springtime coming through the window captured by the blue cup and echoing back to the warm colour of the confit pot. Subtle play of frontal perspectives and depths.
Very stately, Julian.
After a three or four visits to this painting I finally saw the scarlet accent. Hidden right in plain sight!
You didn't just add that did you?