daily painting titled Fishing boats, Camogli harbour

Fishing boats, Camogli harbour

24cm x 33cm (approx.9"x12"), oil on linen Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 29 July, 2013
Posted in Marine paintings
Tags: sl


Splendid. Immediate, vivid, lively.
Lovely....and different for you! Well done a very interesting and beautiful painting! Sarah Orchard
I so look forward to this everyday. It is a wonderful treat in the morning in Aptos, California
Camogli is a great seafood town; we used to eat there often. Nice job on the boats.
So good at everything you paint! Though, I'm not surprised about that. You are an inspiration in your diligence.
Hi Julian, What a wonderful surprise to see your subject today. I was expecting berries etc. But NO! Look at the boats! Amazing! You put your heart in all your creations and it shows. Great way to start off the week! Nothing like shades of blues and oranges.
Julian, I look forward to yur wonderful paintings every day. Love these 2 of the boats in an Italian Harbour. You captured the light and reflections so well. Happy painting. Karen
These are lovely - much better than my boats. I wanted to paint some today, but there were to many people about so I id behind some rocks and painted the beach!
One of your best works. My wife Cathie and my Brother and sister-in-law are going to be in provence in a few months.I hope to do some watercolors on our trip.all the best Randy Mack Bishop
Absolutely beautiful, I love this. Regards Carolyn