daily painting titled Autumn vines

Autumn vines

20cm x 15cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 17 October, 2021
Posted in Landscape paintings


Wish I was right there with you. Best to you three.
Julian, your beautiful work reminded me today that appreciation of a subject goes beyond the subject's boundaries. A teetotaller.. the word even sounds a total downer .. I live in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide, almost beside the Penfolds Winery. The vines are ofcourse at the a glory of greens, with lavender alongside adding to the view which I can take in, as I slow my car to drive by, without drinking a drop! However I enjoy my morning cuppas with your Postcards. Here's cheers and thankyou for starting my day well.
You are a master of your medium and your subjects. Iit's just gorgeous.
Please, please, please do an online workshop!!! I so love your work, think you are my very favorite artist!